United to improve reading levels by 2033!
The Hobbs Campaign for Grade-Level Reading is made up of 40+ partners including members from the local school district, nonprofit organizations, elected officials, business leaders, healthcare organizations, and early childhood providers. Our goal is that by 2033, 80% of children in Hobbs will read at grade level by the end of third grade.
Together, we can create more hopeful futures for children!

Available Resources
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Campaign Solutions
With just 33% of 3rd grade students in Hobbs reading at grade level, we knew we needed to do something. Household incomes and other family challenges shouldn’t get in the way of our children’s success. That’s why the Hobbs Campaign for Grade-Level Reading wants to level the playing field to make sure that all children in our community have the same access to resources and assistance. Let’s take a look at some of our goals:
Increase support for teachers and early childhood centers.
Reduce absences in Hobbs elementary schools to below 10% in 3 years.
Increase the number of children ready for kindergarten from 9% to at least 50%. Reduce the number of 3 and 4-year-olds not in preschool from 67% to below 55%.

Increase the percentage of students in K-3rd grade who have access to afterschool and summer reading/learning opportunities, tutors, mentors, computers/devices, and the internet.
Expand access to health screenings, follow-up care, and intervention.
Support parents who are on the path to helping their children read to succeed.